How to Craft Circular Narratives with the Art of Bookending

How to Craft Circular Narratives with the Art of Bookending

Read Time: 4 minutes Have you ever finished a story and felt a profound sense of satisfaction, as if every piece of the narrative puzzle clicked perfectly into place? Chances are, the storyteller used a technique known as “bookending.” In this week’s issue,...
Setting the Stage for a Perfect Act 1

Setting the Stage for a Perfect Act 1

Read Time: 5 minutes Welcome to the starting line of your story: Act 1 Your first act is where the magic begins. It’s where you introduce everyone to the world you’ve dreamed up and the characters who live in it. This is your moment to hook your audience...
The Narrative Power of the Story Spine

The Narrative Power of the Story Spine

Read Time: 4 minutes Every great story, from ancient myths to modern blockbusters, captivates its audience with a compelling narrative. At the heart of these unforgettable tales lies a timeless principle: the Story Spine. Developed by playwright Kenn Adams, the Story...
10 Storytelling Secrets Decoded by ChatGPT

10 Storytelling Secrets Decoded by ChatGPT

Read Time: 2 minutes I asked GPT-4 to share the 10 most interesting facts it knows about the art and craft of storytelling. I must admit, it told me some things I didn’t know: 1. When we hear stories, our brains release oxytocin, a hormone associated with...
8 Essential Strategies for Compelling Narratives

8 Essential Strategies for Compelling Narratives

Read Time: 3 minutes Want to create stories that keep audiences up at night? Well, you’ll need every trick you can muster. Get ahead of the pack by applying these bite-sized tips when developing your work-in-progress: 1. Adore Your Story Either love your plot...