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Module 4: Cast of Characters

Lesson 3 (of 6) – Roles

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Worksheet Action Step(s):

Action Step #1 – Your common characters:

Brainstorm the common character roles inside stories of your genre

One of the best ways to focus your cast of characters is to look at common character roles.

Begin by looking at your favorite stories inside your genre and identify the common character roles appearing in those stories.

Note: Every story may not have each common character role. Also, each character may not fall under one exact role so some characters may have overlapping roles. Just do your best to place characters from your favorites stories under the most applicable roles.

Here is a quick snapshot of some of the most common character roles:
Protagonist role
Secondary Protagonist role
Victim role
Sidekick role
Love Interest role
Antagonist role
Secondary/Sleeper Antagonist role
Mentor role
Skeptic role


 ** List 2 stories (novel or movies) inside your genre that are similar to the kind of story you want to write.

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 protagonist roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 antagonist roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 victim roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 mentor roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories 

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 sidekick roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 skeptic roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe the 2 love interest roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories (if applicable)

 ** Identify, list, and briefly describe any additional roles inside each of your 2 favorite stories (Secondary/sleeper protagonists or antagonists or any other possible roles)