I ditched wife in the Costco line.

I called her as I exited the building.

“What?” she said.

“I just wanted to let you know that I made it out safely. Don’t worry about me.“

Seriously, David? Goodbye,” she said.

“I love you,” I said.

She hung up.

Know When to Eject

Do you know when it’s time to flee the scene?

What about abandoning the stories you tell?

On the page, I’ve trunked novels ranging from one to three drafts. I just seem to keep going back to the storyboard.

Some humans may think I’ll never publish a novel. One creative friend recently asked when the day will come.

The challenge has been that just when I think The End is nigh, I realize my story differs too far from where it began.

Know Who You Are

Many writers want to share a message inside their fiction, and I am one of these storytellers.

Except many times – my message evolves during the creation process – or it gets paused for a stronger interest – resulting in the project becoming nearly unrecognizable before completion – which compels me to reset the page.

The good news is that I can now live with this process. The hard part used to be telling people my novel’s a Work in Progress.

Yes, I’m a perfectionist, but that’s okay – because I’ve embraced such things.

Time Dissolves Without Matter

Despite a past novel being about time travel, the timing of my publication makes no matter.

It’s been liberating because – while I know it’s inevitable (assuming death does not greet me in the coming months) – I also know a published story will not save me. It won’t give me anything I don’t already have accessible.

I don’t expect to become an overnight thousandaire.

I don’t expect to combat fanatics.

Because when the day comes, I’ll still be a man of faith who loves the chase.

What about you?

Your Time is Now

Please understand your finished story will not save the day.

It’s better you realize this now instead of scheduling your day of disappointment – because your finished story will not change anything about you.

Yeah, you’ll probably watch a currency balance rise on a screen.

Yes, you may get some recognition from humans who love your creation.

Yep, you can re-read your own creation with a smile.

Yet please remember this while on your path to publication: Tomorrow feels a lot like yesterday.

Time is the Eye

Where do you spend most of your time looking?

We spend our time on what matters most to us – and I’ve often caught myself filling time by cycling addictive thoughts.

Most occurred in the past.

  i.e. Embarrassments, second guesses, laughs, turning points, etc.

Many do not yet exist in the future.

  i.e. Embarrassments, second guesses, laughs, turning points, etc.

Some reside inside the present.

  i.e. Choice, movement, pain, connection, vibrations, light, etc.

Hmm, it seems that my best times are when this human being is simply being.

Out of: Your Mind

Your story will be told.

If you question the previous sentence, then I compel you to revisit your story’s purpose.

Next: Please recognize that most of the stories you tell yourself about the past and the future have not come to be.

How many times have past concerns never been as bad as you forecast?

How many times have future moments never been as good as you foresaw?

Hmm: Maybe the current scenes that you don’t think about are the most special?

Maybe it’s because you’re not trying to force the story?

So maybe it’s in these present times that you can actually experience being: Out of your mind.

Be Mindful of Your Present Stories

Your Story on The Page

Do you have a scene list for your novel?

If not, would it benefit you to have an outline?

If you have one, look at how the scenes flow and connect. Can you identify any trends?

Do you hold willing captives in each scene?

Does each scene connect to an overarching plot line?

If you’re looking for some quick-hit guidance, here’s a Scene Analysis Greatest Hits PDF you can download to analyze your scenes.

The Story of Your Life

Do you have a scene list for your days, weeks, or months.

If not, would it benefit you to have a scene list for your real life?

As mentioned last week, I dear diary inside my journal on the daily. It serves as my outline for my past and future.

Not surprisingly, I suggest you pencil some stuff onto paper for your own alternate views. Yes, write down your life stories and then assess if your scenes are healthy for the script you want to perform.

Are there recurring themes playing on the page?

Above all, consider the scenes that most often haunt you, and then I encourage you to unravel the pain inside them.

Because once you diagnose the cause of your despair – you can disassemble the scenes – examine their pieces – and choose to rebuild everything with reborn meaning.

Although such things cannot always be done alone. So I ask everyone to seek guidance and assistance in faith, friends, family, and professionals as needed.

I’ve shared this info before, but I’d like to broadcast it again because it’s on my heart…

  **  If you’re experiencing dark scenes and thoughts, or maybe even thinking about taking your own life, then I ask you to immediately call 1-800-273-8255 which is the U.S. based National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis.

For those outside the U.S., then the International Association of Suicide Prevention HERE offers many resources and options to contact someone.

Bottom line, connect with someone, anyone, and share that you’re having a hard time – because one word from one person may be enough to shift mental dimensions.