Is the news in this article, real or fake?

    You choose because I’m still challenging you to make decisions —so here are my life’s past 7 days worth of news presented to you as either crazy legitimate or bizarro tomfoolery.

    * Note:  ANSWER KEY located at end of post.

David in the News: Real or Fake?

A.  October, the pretty kitty, vanished causing great concern until her return redeemed Hope.

B.  The house I live in and love entered contract to be sold.

C.  I ran through the woods searching for the One I lost.

D.  Mother revealed she is a SLIder.

E.  The taco hotspot that serves the bomb nachos gave me food poisoning.

F.  I ate the most amazing mango curry that a man of faith like me could imagine.

G. I witnessed my 4th ghost sighting.

H. I got the deal that I believed was going to happen all along.

I.  I slept maybe 5 hours each eve.

J.  Just before midnight, prayer sparked a new page into existence.

K.  I made significant headway in a complex video project.

L.  The U.S. President retweeted my Killed Darling Resumé.

M.  I watched a blood (colored) sun set on a smoked out skyline.

N.  I almost hit full-tilt CTL-ALT-FRK about masks when riding sky high at 10k feet high altitude.

O.  I questioned if it’s true that once the frequency shifts the enemy will cease to exist.

P.  I further processed Spirit’s will for me to leave this home despite my insides wanting to remain.

Q.  I revisited how the Christ Light guides and we’re all here together to restore Humanity and resonate in Remembrance.

Real = 1
Fake = 0

A.  = 1
B.  = 1
C.  = 0
D.  = 1
E.  = 0

F.  = 1
G.  = 0
H.  = 0
I.   = 1
J.   = 1
K.  = 1

L.  = 0
M. = 1
N.  = 0
O.  = 1
P.  = 1
Q.  = 1